Tues: 6.30 pm Bramcote Leisure Centre 8 - 10 miles fartlek
Wed: Circuit Training Noel Street leisure Centre 7pm - 8pm cost GBP 2.90 or GBP 2.65 with leisure card.
Advance notice.
Next week sessions should be as normal.
Week after (17th /18th) no session due to 2nd Summer League race (Notts AAA affiliated club members only).
Enquiries : geoff.j@ntlworld.com
Wed: Circuit Training Noel Street leisure Centre 7pm - 8pm cost GBP 2.90 or GBP 2.65 with leisure card.
Advance notice.
Next week sessions should be as normal.
Week after (17th /18th) no session due to 2nd Summer League race (Notts AAA affiliated club members only).
Enquiries : geoff.j@ntlworld.com