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Showing posts from 2015

Training Tuesday 22nd Sept - NOTTINGHAM TENNIS CENTRE

With the darker evenings with us again its switch to the Tennis Centre time. 6.20pm Intermediate group - up to 9 miles steady but may be with some efforts. 6.30pm Faster group - perhaps shorter but definitely faster. As usual meet from 15 minutes before start times in the foyer. Gary's group 8 or 7 miles

Training Tuesday 15th September Bramcote LC

Possibly the last one here this year before switching back to the Tennis Centre for training during the dark evenings. 6.20pm Intermediate Group 8 - 9 miles possibly with efforts 6.30pm Faster group - tempo and distance to be decided before leaving. As before meet approx 15 mins before start times.

Training Tuesday 21st July Bramcote LC

6.20pm Intermediate Group Approx 8 miles steady perhaps spome efforts. Route to be agreed beforehand. Meet as usual in fron t of the main entrance from just after 6. 6.30pm Fast group: route also to be agreed. Meet from 6.15pm same place.

Training Tuesday 14th July Bramcote Leisure Centre

6.20pm Intermediate group 8 - 9 miles led by Mike. Route to be agreed before starting. 6.30pm Faster group Route and distance also to be decided pre-start. Gary leading. For both groups meet outside the main entrance from approx 15 mins before each starting time. As per the blog header - new runners are always welcome.

Training Tuesday 30th June Bramcote L C

Intermediate Group Start 6.20pm - Up to 9  miles, maybe with some efforts this week. Route to be decided on the night but as usual in the general direction of Cossall. Meet from 6 outside the Leisure Centre Fast Group- They start 6.30pm, again, route to be decided on the night as will the session. There is a Facebook page for this group. Meet from 6.15 outside the Leisure Centre.

Intermediate Group Tues 10th Feb 6.30pm Nottingham Tennis Centre

Last week was the Wilford Route, sorry no running stats were available as the GPS user was away, although there were some fartlek efforts included. This week I propose we will carry on the alternative route theme and, subject to agreement on the night, it will be the Wollaton route  once again. As usual meet in the foyer from 6.15pm. Hopefully the various new enquirers who have e mailed recently can join us.

Intermediate Group - Statistics update

The  stats from the previous 2 weeks runs are now available: 20th Jan - Wilford Route: 8 miles  distance 9:35 min/mi avg pace. Total Time: 1 hr 18 mins 39 secs:  968 calories. 27th Jan - Wollaton Route: 7 miles  distance 9.41 min/mi avg pace. Total Time: 1 hr 09 mins 14 secs:  845 calories.

Intermediate Group - Statistics update

The more detailed stats from the previous 2 weeks runs is now available: 13th Jan: 6.99 miles  distance 9:51 min/mi avg pace. Total Time: 1 hr 8 mins 46 secs: Elevation gain: 154 feet. 820 calories. 6th Jan: 7.98 miles  distance 10.55 min/mi avg pace. Total Time: 1 hr 27 mins 05 secs: Elevation gain: 82 feet. 960 calories.